Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Crazy shit from back in the day. 1 - When we hijacked a ferris wheel

My buddy once said something sadly beautiful. (he's not stupid all the time!) He said: "James, don't say "screw the past". It's all we have. Nobody is certain to have a future, but everybody has a past." What he said made me revalue the thing we call "the past". Seems to be a good idea to cherish it, ponder upon it and re-live it as often as you can. Therefore, I shall offer all visitors of this site a chance once in a while to share moments from my past.

Today I tell you the story of when me and my buddy (yes, the very same buddy that share the shack with me) hijacked a ferris wheel. This was several years ago when our families went on vacation to Vermont. This is the state I was born in, so we often went there for holidays after moving to Providence. In those days we kept a house just outside St. Johnsbury, the same city where I grew up. Now on this occasion we were in that age when you most of all want to sneak out of your own house just to sneak into someone elses... Anyway, we actually had permission to go downtown for the annual funfair, and there stood erected a giant ferris wheel of course.

To make a long story short, we came up with a bloody hilarious scheme... When the ferris wheel was paused (empty of course), the dude managing it went to piddle. We followed him closely, and when he entered the little shack in which to piddle (a little room for staff only which needed a key to get in), I stepped in after him and said: "-Yo dude, some wierd bug just crawled up under your jacket man." "-Oh really?" "-Yeah dude, bugs are creepy dude, better strip the jacket and get rid of it man." He took his jacket off, and this is where the scheme could have failed... "-You just go ahead and do what you came here for dude, I'll just step outside and shake the bug out of your jacket for you!" I've always been told I look trustworthy and innocent, and I guess for that reason, he gave me the jacket and managed his business. A few seconds later, I wore a yellow jacket with the text "St. Johnsbury annual funfair" written on the back of it. I also had a key to operate the ferris wheel. The dude was locked in the pee-shack, and we proceeded to accomplish our plan.

Just a minute later, the first cart was filled with people, and the ferris wheel started to move! Some five minutes later it was practically full of people, and I found that you actually could alter the speed of the wheel! I turned the speed up to max. It was still pretty slow in my opinion, but some of the passengers got a bit scared. Round and round they went, and I just let the wheel spin! My buddy cheered me on: "-Haha, yeah dude, spin that sucker dude!" Some chicks and old dudes began to shout they wanted out of the wheel, but we sneaked behind it and in among some shacks, dropped the jacket with the keys and all, and just hit the fucking road dude! We ran across a field, and as we entered the woods we heard a great deal of ruckus and panicked screams from afar... Sweat poured, smoke was inhaled, hysterical laughs rose and died out in the chilly forest...


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