Friday, June 02, 2006

Philosophy in the shack (2)

Thinking about it, it becomes more and more obvious to me, that drugs broaden your mind. That discussion me and my buddy had on mites and the act of seeing, is by far the most profound shit we ever came up with. This insight has led me in on the path of introspection. I now closely scrutinice my brain-activity, so to speak, every time I hit the weed or the alcohol. So far it seems absolutely clear to me that my thoughts become more vivid, my creativity increases and soforth, as the drugs interact with my system. Someday I shall publish some results from this ongoing research project.

Anyway, guess you're all dying to find out how that discussion was concluded? After my philosophical objection to why my buddy couldn't hinder me from choosing mites as the furthest out shit I ever seen (read philosophy in the shack part 1), nothing was said for quite some time. A time during which lots of weed was burnt and lots of smoke inhaled. Finally my buddy went: "You're a deep fucker, aren't you?" I replied, with badly hidden complacence: "Yep, deeper that the fuckin' Baikal dude!" My buddy took another hit, put out the joint and said: "Well, listen to this then shithead: The act of seeing must mean that the brain processes the information taken in by the eye. The same goes for all the human senses. If you claim to see everything that passes your field of vision, then you would see gamma-rays and quarks and amoebas and god fuckin' knows what else dude. That would be like fuckin' Matrix dude! We know there's water in clouds, by do you see each drop as they leave the cloud and start to fall as rain? Same goes for hearing, but I won't ridicule you any more by stating examples. Game, set and fucking match dude! Drop the mites and choose something else dude." Man, was I surprised by my buddys hidden intellectual capacity! In fact, I think it's the first time he ever said more than two sentences in a row. Mites were not valid, I couldn't deny this anymore. I unscrewed a bottle of vodka, produced a photo from my pocket and put it under his nose: "Alright then, Einstein, I'll choose this fuckin' fish then dude!"


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